1113 - 成語諺語輕鬆學
1113 - 程式設計與美學創作
Are you interested in learning programming in an enjoyable way while also gaining a deeper understanding of computers, the Internet, and how the web works? If your answer is yes, then this basic CS (Computer Science) programming course is tailor-made for you. Throughout the course, I will guide you from the basics of programming to more advanced techniques involving interactive multimedia, such as visuals, sound, and even music. Isn't that cool? Here are the topics I have prepared for you:
- just create a simple web page with HTML and CSS.
- learn to think like a programmer with JavaScript programming.
- learn to explore like an artist in creative coding with P5.js library.
Unlock your inner genius. Welcome aboard! (本課程主要用以英文授課)
<!! Let's meet up on Wednesday of 8/2, 8/16, 8/30, 10:00 on BBB ~ !! >
1113 - 行政法
1113 - 普通生物
1113 - 基礎韓語
Freshman Korean is a comprehensive Korean course of literature, composition, and language, including listening and speaking. This course is designed for the student who have had no or very little knowledge of Korean to acquire 4 skills(listening, speaking, reading, and writing) .